Library cards are free of charge to borrowers with proper identification, which includes photo identification and proof of address. Children must be accompanied by a parent or guardian with proper identification. Individuals may apply for a card online or in person at any Onondaga County public library. A valid Onondaga County Public Library card can be used at any public library in the County. The library must be notified of lost or stolen cards and changes of address. An OCPL library card or identification with name and address is required to sign out materials. Borrowers are responsible for all materials borrowed on their card. Parents or guardians are responsible for materials borrowed on their children’s cards.
Apply online, then stop in to pick up your card with valid photo ID and proof of current address.
Or, sign up at the library with valid photo ID and proof of current address.
Please note: A parent or legal guardian must register for a card with a child under 16, and is responsible for any fines incurred on the child’s card.