Book Boutique
Located in our Emma Beard Room, the Book Boutique features a high-quality like-new items for all ages at bargain prices.
Check it out any time the library is open!

2024 Book Sale Dates
Basement Sales will be held 5/11/24 & 11/2/24 from 8am-1pm for the general public, and from 1-2pm for book resellers with scanners.
Browse over 20,000 well-organized, like-new books, DVDs, CDs, games, and puzzles for kids, teens and adults. Prices start at just $0.50.

Donate Materials
We rely on book donations from our community to keep our sales going strong! All proceeds from our book sales benefit the FFL.
How to Donate Your Items:
- Bring your items to a staff member during library business hours.
- Package donations of more than 10 items in a box that the library will keep.
- Please call (315) 637-6374 for an appointment if you have a larger donation.
Materials we DO Accept:
- Books: Gently used fiction or non-fiction for any age
- Media: DVDs, BluRays, CDs, audiobooks
- Complete board games and puzzles
Materials we CAN’T Accept:
- Any materials that are damaged, moldy or smelly
- Magazines and newspapers
- Encyclopedias or dictionaries
- Textbooks or industry manuals
- VHS or cassette tapes
- Vinyl Records
- Sheet Music