
Events for Adults

We offer free concerts, birding programs, history lectures, walking tours, book club meetings, movie screenings, walking club, tech help appointments, home delivery services, and more! View our events calendar.

Book Clubs

Join one of our monthly book clubs for adults! View our events calendar for upcoming dates and book titles.

FFL Meet the Author Book Club: Discuss a popular novel on Zoom, then the author will join us live for Q&A! We have Skyped with over 75 authors & counting!

Well Read Wednesday Book Club: Join us on Zoom to discuss a bestseller.

Are you part of a private book club? We can offer book recommendations, extended loan periods, and more for your group!

Personalized Recommendations

Not sure what books you want? Our librarians will put together a personalized book list or book bundle, just for you, based on your interests!

Just fill out this form!

Not sure what books you want? Our librarians will put together a personalized book list or book bundle, just for you, based on your interests!